Pastilles au xylitol contre la sécheresse buccale - Petit format – Boutique X-PUR

X-PUR Pastilles 100 % Xylitol (Menthe poivrée - Petites bouteilles)

  • En solde
  • Prix régulier $9.49 CAD

Les pastilles #1 recommandées par les professionnels dentaires et médicaux pour stimuler la salive

1 x Bouteille de 130 pastilles

Stimule la production de salive pour soulager la sécheresse buccale

Concentration maximale de xylitol
Aide à réduire l'incidence de la carie
Goût délicieux de fruits ou de menthe
Sans sucre, gluten et OGM
Idéal pour les diabétiques
Sachet réutilisable

Menthe poivrée

Mode d'emploi:
2 à 4 pastilles, 3 à 5 fois par jour.
Enfants de 6 ans et plus
2 à 4 pastilles, 3 à 4 fois par jour.

Une introduction graduelle au xylitol est recommandée, car il pourrait créer un effet laxatif léger lors d'une consommation excessive.

Garder hors de la portée des chiens.

Ingrédient médicinal:
Pastilles (2 morceaux): 1 g Xylitol

Ingrédients non-médicinaux:
Pastilles : Saveur naturelle de menthe poivrée ou fruits, stéarate de magnésium

Pastilles: 80036382


Based on 5 reviews
Rosalind B.
Greatg Product

I have been using these pastilles for years now, they really do the job of
re hydrating the mouth. I am never without them. Plus Oral Science has always been helpful in filling my orders and getting them out in a timely order.

Craig B.
Perfect transaction

Always a pleasure easy transaction as always.Merci

Teri P.
Great product for dry mouth

Great product for dry mouth. Refreshing taste and the mints last quite a long time. I like knowing I am not causing harm to my teeth by sucking on peppermints or other hard candies to try to keep my mouth moist. The slow release xylitol really helps stimulate my saliva and helps prevent cavities! Highly recommend X-Pur Pastilles!

Ann C.
Xylimelts are a life saver.

I have found the X-Pur pastilles to be too strong tasting for my sensitive mouth. I have been using the Xylimelts for a few years now and rely on them to get thru the night. It would be wonderful if you created a mini lozenge for daytime use as the regular ones I find too big to hide in my mouth. Thanks for a great product.


They are what they are suppose to and do what they do .but they don;t siut me to my needs . sorry about that . the over night ones are better for me thanks

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